What’s in a name?

What’s in a name?

What’s in a name?

‘What’s in a name?’ (Thank you Shakespeare for that beginning!)
There is so much meaning to a name. That’s what etymology is all about. Every word has an origin and meaning!
Studying human anatomy when at university made me more aware of this. Particular anatomical terms that seem unusual with respect to its location or function for example, in fact makes complete sense when looking at the etymology of that word. For example: ‘coronary’ arteries surround the heart and provide it with nutrient-rich and oxygenated blood.
But what does ‘coronary’ mean?
It’s of Latin origin; ‘corona’ meaning ‘wreath’ or ‘crown’. This word got added to in the mid-17th century to ‘coronarius’ which means ‘resembling a crown’ and today we have the word ‘coronary’. So, it makes complete sense that the arteries forming a crown around the heart (as you see below) are named as ‘coronary’.
Similarly, in a non-anatomical category, ‘compatible’ comes from the Latin word ‘compati’ which means ‘to suffer with’. I invite you to reflect on that fact with respect to compatibility in marriage.
The same principle applies to our own individual names too. There is a meaning and so much depth to that meaning. So, then what about the name of Jesus?
Jesus’ foster father and Mother sure didn’t choose that name of their own accord, as we know from the beginning chapter of St. Matthew’s and St. Luke’s Gospel. The name was given by God and communicated to St. Joseph by the Angel messenger in a dream, “She will bear a Son, and you are to name Him Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins.” (Matt 1:21), and to Mama Mary by the Angel Gabriel, “And now, you will conceive in your womb and bear a Son, and you will name Him Jesus.” (Luke 1:31). So, there has to be a meaning and depth to that beautiful, universally known name right?
The modern name ‘Jesus’ comes from the Hebrew word ‘Yeshua’ which means ‘to deliver’, ‘to rescue’, or ‘to save’. And we can appreciate how the prophesy made by the Angel “…for He will save His people from their sins.” (Matt 1:21) gives depth to His name, while His actions of offering Himself as a sacrifice on the Cross on Good Friday to redeem us from the death of sin, fulfils that depth of meaning.
Last month, January, was the month dedicated to the ‘Holy Name of Jesus’. Let’s remember and never ever forget this; “There is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among mortals by which we must be saved.” (Acts 4:12). That name we have all heard (whether we are Christian or not) – Jesus. Let us never forget to praise and bless His Most Holy Name and thank Him for all the blessings and graces we have received throughout our lives.
Jesus, I trust in You. Jesus, I love You.
– Written by Yvonne Rego

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