We are fast approaching Christmas Day again this year where we celebrate our Lord’s birth.
It’s a fitting time in fact to reflect on the third joyful mystery of the Rosary considering Jesus’ birth in a stable in the city of Bethlehem and what it means for us today.
Bethlehem in Hebrew means ‘House of Bread’. During His public ministry, Jesus said “…it is My Father who gives you the true bread from Heaven. For the bread of God is that which comes down from Heaven and gives life to the world.” (John 6: 32-33). He then says, “I am the bread of life” (John 6:35, 48) and “I am the living bread that came down from Heaven.” (John 6:51). Isn’t it befitting then that Jesus, Who is the “living bread”, came down from Heaven and was born in a city that literally means “House of Bread”?
But regardless of this perfectly planned event by God that had been prophesied throughout the Old Testament, was Jesus recognised for Who He truly was by others at that moment of His birth?
The promised Messiah that would be the Saviour of His people, came into the world not with His cavalry or weapons denoting His power, or grand vestments and a crown denoting His Divine and kingly nature. No, the King of kings and Lord of lords came into the world as a little, humble baby. That too in a stable, not a palace nor even an inn. His almighty and powerful nature was hidden, and to most He seemed to be ‘just another baby’. But to those who were close to God in humility and obedience, like His Mother, St. Joseph, the shepherds, the three wise men; they are the ones who recognised Who this little lowly Baby really is.
That’s one nature of God our Saviour Jesus Christ. He is humble. He came into this world as humbly as He could, hidden from most but recognised by those who too were humble and obedient to the will of God.
He has done the same over the last 2000 years and does so even today in Holy Mass celebrated daily. He literally comes to us from Heaven, fully present in the Bread once consecrated by the priest, fulfilling all that He spoke in John 6. But even though we don’t visibly see Him – His Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity, do we recognise Him, humbly hidden in the Holy Eucharist, just like Mother Mary, St. Joseph, the shepherds and the three wise men did at His birth and soon after?
If you don’t, not to worry.
Ask, search and knock (c.f. Matt 7:7-8). Come with an open heart and pray to God for the grace to recognise Him truly present in the Holy Eucharist. By praying and persevering in your prayer, you will continually grow in humility and God will grant you the grace you need. Remember, “For everyone who asks receives, and everyone who searches finds, and for everyone who knocks, the door will be opened.” (Matt 7:8). Also don’t be afraid to ask Mother Mary to pray for you too. One way you can do this is by praying a decade of the Rosary, perhaps even meditating on this third joyful mystery, for this special grace.
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